We can give hope to those impacted by occupational lung disease

Tradespeople are the lifeblood of our community

Over the years, building materials, equipment, processes and techniques have evolved, and continue to do so at a rapid pace. It’s remarkable to see what can now be done with the advancements in technology and machinery. Fields can be plowed in record time, no longer relying on hand tools. Tunnels can be bored through bedrock that was previously considered impenetrable. One thing, however, has remained constant throughout these advancements, and that is people.

Our work involves raising awareness, forming ground-breaking research, and undertaking pioneering treatments to protect the lives and livelihoods of these people.

Each and every day we’re driven by the opportunity to give help and hope to our nation’s tradies and their families.

Occupational Lung Disease Research Priorities


Prof. Dan Chambers

Professor, clinician and internationally recognised authority in thoracic medicine

“Our research is a chance to make sure that these workers feel like they’re not alone, and they don’t have to face a death sentence.”

Dr. Simon Apte

Chief Scientist

“This research will potentially provide treatment without these workers having to face something as drastic as a lung transplant.”

We can’t do this alone

Join us in protecting the health of our tradies.

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The Common Good acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the Land upon which we live, work and walk, and pay our respects to Elders both past and present.